Question? At the end of VCN-CommCenter 8.0 installation, the "Register ID Sharing" dialog was opened without proceeding to auto-setup.

Answer No certificate installation found in Windows. To use the e-Parcel client software normally (without the "ID Sharing" function), click the "Cancel" button to close the "Register ID Sharing" dialog. You are required installing (importing) the e-Parcel client digital certificate in Windows in advance. And then, launch the existing VCN-CommCenter 8.0, proceed to auto-setup. The followings will guide you.

*When installing (importing) a client digital certificate in Windows, you must sign in Windows with a user account which the e-Parcel client software will get started.

2 Install a client digital certificate in Windows
  1. Download and install (import) a client digital certificate in Windows.

  1. 1. Click the button just below to start the procedures.

    * The detailed instructions of each step will be shown in figures at the "Download Client Certificates" page of this site.

    * When installing (importing) the digital certificate in Windows, you must sign in Windows with a user account which runs the e-Parcel client software.

    Download e-Parcel Client Digital Certificate

  2. 2. The [STEP1. Login] page: Type your e-Parcel ID and password, and then click the "Login" button.

  3. 3. The [STEP2. Confirm your e-Parcel client software] Page: Select one of the e-Parcel client software appropriately.

  4. 4. The [STEP3. Check the security of this site …] page: When you confirm the security of this site which is being visited, click the "Next" button.

  5. 5. The [STEP4. Download and install a client digital certificate] Page: Click the "Download" button, and then select the "Open" a file.

    On the STEP4, to import the digital certificate, carefully read the "Instruction for installing Client Digital Certificate" in figures.

    ! Note: Please be sure to read below.

    While the "Certificate Import Wizard", when it requires the password, be sure to place a check in the "Mark this key as exportable ..." checkbox.
    (If do not, you will fail in auto-setup on the e-Parcel software at later STEP6.)

  6. 6. The [STEP5. Access the URL of e-Parcel Secure Enterprise …] Page: Click the "Next" button on the bottom.


3 Auto-setup a client digital certificate on the e-Parcel software
  1. To auto-setup on the e-Parcel software will automatically attempt to detect a client digital certificate and your network settings from Windows.

  2. 1. The [STEP6. Auto-setup the e-Parcel client software] Page: Proceed to auto-setup a digital certificate installed in Windows on the e-Parcel client software.

    [For e-Parcel VCN-CommCenter 8.0]

    To start the software, double-click the "e-Parcel 8.0" shortcut icon on the desktop. It also starts to auto-setup.

    (If it cannot start to auto-setup and the VCN-CommCenter GUI is just opened, select the menu bar "Tools" > "Auto Setup" on the VCN-CommCenter GUI.)

  3. 2. When auto-setup complete, confirm that the e-Parcel software shows the system status "Online".

    * If the status is "Offline", "Proxy Authentication Failed" or any other error status on the client software, refer to this Q&A page and check carefully.

  4. You have completed the procedures successfully.

    * For more details in configuring and using software, download the users manual from this site and then refer.